The Extraordinary Leader Program

Developing Leaders at ALL Levels of an Organization

  • Are all members of your leadership team committed to exceptional performance?
  • Are you developing the “next-generation” of leaders at your company?
  • Do your managers and front-line supervisors teach and inspire their people to achieve results?
  • Do you always have the time and resources to provide optimal leadership training for your team?


More than just another training program

One of the keys to success as a manager is having a leadership team that is competent, reliable, responsible and trained…it simply makes your job as the manager much easier…and much more enjoyable!

The Extraordinary Leader is not just another training program that gives a lot of information on leadership. This 12-month coaching program is aimed at creating results with and through your people. We know that leaders are developed and that is why we have developed this program.


Who will benefit from The Extraordinary Leader Program?

  • Front-line supervisors and managers who are directly responsible for the day-to-day performance of their staff.
  • Senior managers who want to have a direct impact on performance and results in their organization.


How does The Extraordinary Leader Program work?

This is a powerful, practical leadership program designed and delivered from a coaching perspective. We provide extraordinary content and resources… but here is where we create results… our participants PRACTICE their learning – both in our teleclass environment, and in their real world. The outcome is… changing behaviors and changing RESULTS!


Each month we offer:

  • 3 one-hour teleclass sessions (live or downloadable podcasts)
  • Six possible hours of Coaching Gyms per month (giving participants a chance to “flex their leadership muscles”)
  • Practice tee assignments
  • E-tips
  • On-line resources
  • Learning from masters in the leadership realm


Our 12 month topics include:

  1. Extraordinary Vision – Learning how to create and share a compelling vision
  2. Extraordinary Goals – Learning how to set and achieve extraordinary goals
  3. Extraordinary Self Leadership – Understanding that this comes first
  4. Extraordinary Communication – Learning the specifics of leadership communication
  5. Extraordinary Coaching – Learning how to put coaching in your leadership toolbox
  6. Extraordinary Teams – Learning how to build and inspire great teams
  7. Extraordinary Life – Learning how to balance work with the rest of life
  8. Extraordinary Service Leadership – Learning to create and lead the service plan
  9. Extraordinary People Development – Bringing out the STAR qualities in people
  10. Extraordinary Standards – Living to extraordinary standards in all parts of life
  11. Extraordinary Results – Learning how we are accountable for the results we get
  12. Extraordinary Celebration – Learning to review and celebrate success


What is the fee to join The Extraordinary Leader Program?

An amazing 12 month program for only $99 monthly per person!  Register for:

Register in US Dollars

Register in CDN Dollars